Monday, February 8, 2016

SLPs, Sometimes Love Hurts

I am linking up with the Frenzied SLP's to talk about love. Everyone is talking about love this week- after all, Valentine's Day is coming. But sometimes love hurts.

If you are an SLP  working with children, sooner or later, you get hurt. It happens. 

Sometimes when you least expect it. It comes with the territory.

Sitting in a parent meeting- seems pretty safe? 

Sometimes parents bring the child with them, I like to have a selection of toys to help keep the kiddos busy so Mom and Dad can listen to the discussion.

One child was interested in the toys, but had a short attention span. After quietly slipping him a few toys in succession, he busied himself with a metal toy car as I explained my report to the parent. Well, apparently the little guy tired of that car, and I was not paying attention to his need for a new diversion... and I got clocked. Pay attention to me please. POW!

It must have strained my jaw, because I experienced TMJ for the first time in my life. Couldn't hardly open my mouth, definitely couldn't chew without intense pain for 2 weeks. I ate a lot of yogurt and cream style soup.

Lesson learned.

 Provide lightweight toys. Don't turn your attention away from a bored or frustrated child.

We eventually became good buddies, and he never lashed out again. I kept him busy, busy, and loved working with the little guy.

Head over to the linky to read more stories about love. And when sometimes #slpLoveHurts.

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